Edited By : Renée Deveney
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Hernia Mesh and Hernia Surgery

Hernia mesh is a net-like implant — often made from polypropylene plastic — that treats hernias. It prevents the tissue, organs or fat from bulging through muscle walls. Doctors commonly use mesh to treat patients with hernias because of the low hernia recurrence rate.

Key Hernia and Mesh Facts
  • According to the Food and Drug Administration, doctors in the U.S. treat more than 1 million hernias every year and use mesh in most of these cases.
  • More than 20 million hernia surgeries occur worldwide yearly.
  • Experts believe the complication rate for mesh is between 12% and 30%.
  • Men have a lifetime risk of 27% for developing a hernia in the groin, while women have a 3% risk.
  • The frequency of hernia repair increases with age, from 0.25% at age 18 to 4.2% at ages 75–80.
  • Over 90% of all inguinal hernias occur in men.

While typically a safe procedure, there are possible complications, including infection, chronic pain, neuralgia (nerve pain), hernia mesh failure and hernia recurrence. These can lead to additional surgeries. Patients should discuss potential complications and surgery alternatives with their doctors.

Pros and Cons of Using Hernia Mesh

Hernia mesh can successfully repair hernias, but complications are possible. Infection, for example, is a risk. One study found that staphylococcus aureus (staph infection) was present in 64% of infected hernia mesh tested.

Benefits of Hernia Mesh
  • Lower rate of hernia recurrence
  • Mesh can repair larger weak areas
  • Decreased recovery time
Drawbacks of Hernia Mesh
  • Mesh can migrate, shrink or cause other complications
  • Mesh may get infected, requiring removal
  • Mesh failure requires one or more revision surgery

Sometimes, the risks of hernia mesh outweigh the benefits. The likelihood and severity of complications depend on the surgeon and surgical technique, mesh material and the body’s response.

Research shows that around 16% of patients require revision surgery, with non-mesh or suture-based repairs experiencing higher recurrence rates. The ideal hernia mesh resists infection and an inflammatory response while staying flexible and quickly incorporating into the body’s tissue.

How Long Does Hernia Repair Last?

Non-absorbable hernia repair mesh should be a permanent fix, but absorbable mesh typically dissolves in 12–18 months. Hernia recurrence is possible even with non-absorbable mesh.

Research suggests that mesh materials may affect recurrence rates after hernia repair. Polypropylene mesh is highly durable, but it can lead to inflammation in the area. This has a shrinking effect on the mesh, creating higher recurrence rates.

Hernia Mesh Complications

The FDA is aware of complications from recalled meshes and those currently on the market. While many people experience improved quality of life following hernia treatment, others report mild to serious complications.

Lawyer Trent Miracle explains the complications of hernia mesh procedures.
Unwanted attachment of the mesh to loops of the bowel or other tissue
Bowel obstruction:
Perforation of the intestines that creates a blockage
Hernia recurrence:
Reappearance of a hernia at the original site
Mesh migration:
Movement because of poor adhesions or pressure
Mesh shrinkage:
Shrinking mesh that pulls on tissue and causes pain
Persistent pain:
Discomfort or pain near the leg, groin, abdomen, stomach or testicles
Painful lump or mass of clear fluid
Wound infection:
Infections occurring around the site

You may experience fever, flu-like symptoms, nausea, vomiting or constipation. Other signs of hernia mesh failure include chronic pain and severe swelling or tenderness at the surgery site.

A 2024 study published in the journal Current Problems in Surgery found that 12% of patients suffer from chronic pain after having inguinal hernia mesh surgery. In contrast, only 6% of those who had the surgery without mesh experienced similar long-term pain.

A 2024 retrospective study published in Cureus found that 17.2% of hernia repair patients reported complications.

The most common complications were:
  • Wound infection (5.8%)
  • Seroma formation or fluid buildup (2.9%)
  • Mesh infection (1.8%)

Experts also recognize obesity and diabetes as important risk factors for postoperative complications.

Hernia mesh failure can occur a few weeks to a few years after your surgery. Talk to your doctor if you notice anything wrong or unusual after your hernia surgery.


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Experiencing pain, bowel obstruction or other complications after hernia mesh surgery?
Get your free case review today.

Types of Hernia Mesh

Hernia mesh materials fall into different categories: synthetic, biological, coated, composite and hybrid meshes. Mesh is available in different weaves, sizes and strengths as patches and plugs.

Mesh type may be associated with outcomes, and mesh choice could depend on hernia type.

Different mesh materials lead to varying rates of complications. In an April 2023 meta-analysis in Surgery, researchers concluded that biologic meshes increase the rate of complications on surgery site infections and hernia recurrences. As an alternative, uncoated synthetic mesh with large pores may be suitable for open ventral (abdominal) hernia repair.

Absorbable or Biologic Hernia Mesh

Biologic hernia mesh uses animal or human donor tissue — often intestines or skin of cows and pigs — with the cells removed to create a collagen net. The material breaks down over time and absorbs into the body.

A surgeon may choose this mesh for a strangulated hernia or if there is an infection in the location. Recurrence is a potential complication.

Non-Absorbable or Synthetic

A surgeon could use a woven or knitted sheet of synthetic mesh. These materials remain in the body indefinitely and include polyester, polypropylene or expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (a material made from thin, porous sheets of minerals). These types of mesh are chemically inactive and should minimize reaction complications.

While polypropylene is one of the more common mesh materials, it can wear away or break down over time. If this occurs, the mesh could protrude or cause injury to surrounding tissue.

Hybrid, Coated or Composite

These materials have non-absorbable or absorbable coatings, such as cellulose, beta-glucan, omega-3 fatty acids or collagen. The coatings minimize the body’s inflammatory response.

A leading benefit of choosing a coated or composite mesh is that surgeons can use it in the abdomen’s peritoneal cavity with little risk of adhesion (scar tissue) formation. Studies show varying degrees of inflammation risk from composite mesh, depending on the materials used.

Glue vs. Suture

Glue fixation has several advantages over the use of sutures in hernia repair. Glue reduces the occurrence of several significant side effects, including chronic pain, acute post-surgery pain and hematomas (bleeding outside of the blood vessels). In addition, patients who receive hernia surgeries with glue fixation typically return to normal activities faster than those with sutures.

Hernia Mesh Recalls and Market Withdrawals

Several manufacturers voluntarily withdrew or recalled their hernia mesh from the market. Some recalls resulted from packaging errors, higher-than-expected failure rates or the risk of serious complications such as adhesions, pain and hernia recurrence.

  • December 2020:
    Ethicon, Inc. issued a recall on the Proceed surgical mesh device because a hair was found inside the packaging of a unit.
  • March 2019:
    ACell, Inc. recalled its Gentrix Surgical Matrix Thick product because a sample from the lot failed to meet company tensile strength specifications.
  • November 2018:
    Covidien/Medtronic recalled its Parietex Composite Parastomal Mesh after receiving reports of parastomal (abdominal wall) mesh failure.
  • August 2016:
    Novus Scientific issued a recall to add to the product’s instructions and present additional information relating to clinical study results.

Manufacturers should (and usually do) voluntarily withdraw products if they violate laws administered by the FDA. A drug or device recall occurs when there is evidence that the product is harmful or defective. In some cases, if a manufacturer fails to recall a faulty product voluntarily, the FDA may issue a mandatory recall.

Hernia Mesh Brands and Manufacturers

A dozen major hernia mesh manufacturers dominate the U.S. market. Product options come in various sizes across brands.

Popular Hernia Mesh Brands and Manufacturers
ManufacturerProducts Lines and Brands
AtriumC-QUR, Vitamesh, Proloop, Prolite, Prolite Ultra
B. BraunSafil, Premilene
C.R. Bard/Bard Davol3DMax, AlloMaxBard Soft Mesh, Bard Mesh Sheets, CollaMend, Composix, Dulex, Kugel, MK Patch, OnFlex, PerFix Plug, Phasix Mesh, Phasix, Sepramesh IP Composite, Ventralex, Ventralight, Ventrio, Visilex, XenMatrix Surgical Graft
Cook MedicalBiodesign (formerly Surgisis)
Covidien/MedtronicParietene, Parietex, Permacol, ProGrip, Symbotex, Versatex, Permacol, Transorb, Dextile
Ethicon/Johnson & JohnsonPhysiomesh, Proceed, Vicryl, Securestrap, Prolene, UltraPro, UltraPro Advanced
FEG TextiltechnikDynamesh
Beckton Dickinson (formerly Genzyme)Sepramesh IP Composite
PFM Medical (formerly GfE)TiMESH
Gore MedicalBio-A, DualMesh, Gore-Tex Soft Tissue Patch, Synecor, Mycromesh (discontinued)

Manufacturers that issued a recall for one or more of their hernia mesh products include Atrium Medical, Bard Davol, Ethicon/Johnson & Johnson and Covidien/Medtronic. If you have questions about which hernia mesh was used in your surgery, contact your surgeon’s office.


Hernia Mesh Lawsuits Filed Over Complications

Thousands of hernia mesh lawsuits accuse manufacturers of producing devices that cause serious complications.

Four major mesh makers are central to separate multidistrict litigations, significant court actions that combine similar lawsuits in a single federal court. In MDLs, plaintiffs receive a portion of the settlement award, often based on the severity of their case.

Active Hernia Mesh MDLs

Atrium Medical
Brands Named C-QUR
MDL Location New Hampshire District
Pending Lawsuits 467
Expected Trial Dates In settlement
Brands Named Physiomesh Flexible Composite Hernia Mesh
MDL Location Georgia, Northern District
Pending Lawsuits 16
Expected Trial Dates In settlement
Bard Davol
Brands Named All polypropylene mesh brands
MDL Location Ohio, Southern District
Pending Lawsuits 24,083
Next Expected Trial Date In October 2024, Becton Dickinson, Bard Davol’s parent company, announced a settlement to resolve state and federal hernia mesh lawsuits.
Brands Named All hernia mesh brands
MDL Location Massachusetts
Pending Lawsuits 1,677
Expected Trial Dates Still in discovery phase, no bellwether trial date set (expected to start in late 2025 or early 2026)

Hernia mesh manufacturers often settle out of court with plaintiffs to avoid going to trial. For instance, in February 2023, the Attorney General for the state of Kentucky announced that Ethicon settled litigation for close to $10 million.

Please seek the advice of a qualified professional before making decisions about your health or finances.
Last Modified: February 25, 2025

46 Cited Research Articles

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