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Edited By : Renée Deveney
This page features 21 Cited Research Articles
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Latest Similac Lawsuit Updates

As of March 2025, 663 necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) cases were pending in multidistrict litigation (MDL 3026). Plaintiffs in Similac baby formula lawsuits allege that Abbott Laboratories was aware its Similac products could potentially cause NEC, particularly in babies born prematurely or at a low weight.

Plaintiffs filed additional lawsuits after Cronobactor sakazakii infections, which can cause profound internal damage or death, were linked to the Abbott facility in Sturgis, Michigan.

The bellwether trials, which set the stage for the outcomes of the group of lawsuits, in the MDL are scheduled to start in 2025.

Baby Formula MDL Bellwether Trial Schedule
  • May 5, 2025
    Mar v. Abbott Laboratories
  • August 11, 2025
    K.B. v. Abbott Laboratories
  • November 3, 2025
    Brown v. Abbott Laboratories
  • February 2, 2026
    Inman v. Mead Johnson & Company, LLC, et al.

Meanwhile, other Similac lawsuits are proceeding through state courts.

In October 2024, a jury in Missouri ruled in favor of Abbott Laboratories and Reckitt, dismissing claims that their cow’s milk-based baby formulas caused NEC in premature infants.

The verdict was reached after a five-week trial and represented the companies’ first victory in a baby formula lawsuit.

Elizabeth Whitfield, who sought more than $6.2 billion in damages, claimed her son Kaine developed NEC after using these formulas. Abbott and Reckitt countered by stating their products provide essential nutrition for at-risk infants and emphasized that no scientific evidence links their formulas to NEC.

Similac Baby Formula Litigation Timeline

  • March 2025
    Abbott's only trial win in the NEC litigation has been erased, with a judge ordering a retrial due to misconduct from the defense team. Abbott and Mead Johnson, who is also listed as a defendant in the case, plan to appeal.
  • October 2024
    Trial dates were proposed for the bellwether cases in the MDL, with the first case likely to go to trial on May 5, 2025. The court will still need to approve the schedule.
  • September 2024
    The order of the four bellwether cases in the baby formula MDL was revealed, and a lawsuit involving Similac will be the first to go to trial. The case focuses on premature infant RaiLee Mar, who developed NEC and died after being fed Similac NICU. Counsel has been directed to set trial dates for the four cases.
  • July 2024
    Abbott Laboratories went on trial for allegedly causing NEC in Margo Gill's premature daughter. Gill claims Abbott failed to adequately warn about the risks of Similac's cow’s milk formulas. A St. Louis jury started hearing evidence following a $60 million Enfamil verdict with similar claims. At the end of the trial, the jury awarded Gill $495 million, $90 million in damages and $400 million in punitive damages. Abbott has said they disagree and will try to overturn the verdict. Like the $60 million verdict, this verdict could influence future baby formula litigation.
  • January 2023
    There were 97 lawsuits pending in the NEC MDL 3026.
  • April 2022
    NEC-related baby formula lawsuits filed nationwide were consolidated under MDL number 3026 in Illinois.
  • April 2022
    The FDA established an Incident Management group to work on supply chain and food safety issues after the voluntary recall.
  • February 2022
    Abbott Laboratories voluntarily recalled powdered formulas produced in Sturgis following an FDA Coordinated Outbreak Response and Evaluation investigation.
  • September 2021
    The CORE network worked with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as well as state and local partners, to investigate reports of death and illness in infants who had consumed Abbott products.

There are currently many Similac lawsuits underway, originating from two primary sources. Most cases stem from NEC-related illness and death, but the number of cases based on serious infections from products linked to the Abbott-owned Sturgis production facility is growing.

Why Are People Filing Similac Lawsuits?

People are filing Similac lawsuits because infants have become ill from baby formula. Both NEC and Cronobacter sakazakii infections have been linked to Similac products.

Cronobacter sakazakii and other serious infections are linked to contamination at Abbott’s manufacturing facility. NEC, associated with formula made with dairy, has caused severe illness and death in premature infants.

Similac and NEC

Similac lawsuits contend that because Abbott knew of the risk of NEC and failed to protect consumers adequately, severe illness and death of newborns occurred. Thus far, there have been no recalls of Similac products because of NEC’s risks.

Claims in Similac NEC Lawsuits:
  • Breach of warranty
  • Failure to warn about the risk of NEC
  • Negligence
  • The product is dangerous and defective

NEC is a gastrointestinal disease that inflames the intestinal lining and can lead to tissue death. According to the National Library of Medicine, there is a significant link between this medical and surgical emergency in newborns and baby formula.

Studies indicate that cow’s milk-based formulas, such as Similac, increase NEC risk in premature infants.

Similac lawsuits cite many of those studies in their claims. Plaintiffs contend that Abbott Laboratories either didn’t do enough to protect the public from the potential dangers or deliberately misled them into thinking their products were safe.

NIH-Backed Study on Donor Milk and NEC

A study funded by the National Institutes of Health and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in January 2024 found a vital benefit to donated human milk for premature babies.

Infants fed donated human milk were much less likely to develop necrotizing enterocolitis than those given formula. Specifically, only 4.2% of the babies fed human milk developed this condition, while the rate was 9% for those on formula.

The study looked at 483 babies born very early, before 29 weeks of pregnancy or weighing less than 2.2 pounds. This research highlights the substantial advantages of using donor human milk to help protect these vulnerable infants from NEC.

Current Clinical Trials and Research Priorities

In September 2024, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services working group focused on NEC in premature infants published a report outlining important areas for future research and offering several recommendations.

According to the working group, research on feeding practices is important to explore the potential influence on the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in premature infants.

The report recommended a primary focus on identifying the optimal nutritional needs of vulnerable babies, ensuring they receive the best possible support for growth and development. It also emphasized the need for increased research efforts to assist parents in enhancing their breastfeeding techniques and boosting breast milk production.

Additionally, it recommended studying how the collection, storage and administration of donor or parental milk can affect its nutritional value, ultimately impacting infants’ overall health. The report emphasized the importance of large-scale studies that examine the relationship between various feeding practices and the risk of NEC.

Similac and Cronobacter Sakazakii Infections

There are more active lawsuits about products manufactured at Abbott’s Sturgis, Michigan facility. Many of the claims involved personal injury and/or wrongful death. Abbott Laboratories is also facing a Department of Justice-led criminal investigation.

Claims in Similac Cronobacter Lawsuits:
  • Abbott records indicated the company previously destroyed formula because of bacterial contamination but didn’t warn the public.
  • Violations of health and safety standards led to avoidable product contamination.

Cronobacter bacteria can infect the bloodstream and central nervous system, resulting in developmental and motor impairments, brain abscesses and death. Between December 2021 and March 2022, the FDA and the CDC investigated reports of infant illness and death related to Abbott baby formula products.

Following the voluntary recall and plant shutdown, the U.S. faced a baby formula shortage, disproportionately affecting lower-income families. Although the shortage was initially caused by the ongoing disruptions in the global supply chain, the Sturgis plant closure exacerbated the shortage.

three icons representing filing a lawsuit
Did your premature baby develop NEC after consuming Enfamil or Similac baby formula?
Get your free case review today.

Similac Baby Formulas Named in Lawsuits

Similac products named in Cronobacter lawsuits may include all recalled Similac, Alimentum and EleCare products from the Sturgis manufacturing plant. The FDA reports that these products can be identified by their multi-digit number on the bottom of the container.

To identify products affected, look for those with:
  • Codes that start with 22 through 37
  • Codes that contains K8, SH or Z2
  • An expiration date of April 1, 2022 or later

NEC Similac lawsuits involve formulas containing cow’s milk. Some of the company’s fortified human milk products contain cow’s milk.

Formulas named in NEC cases include:
  • Similac Alimentum
  • Similac Alimentum Expert Care
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier Concentrated Liquid
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier Hydrolyzed Protein Concentrated Liquid
  • Similac Human Milk Fortifier Powder
  • Similac Liquid Protein Fortifier
  • Similac NeoSure
  • Similac Special Care
  • Similac Special Care 20
  • Similac Special Care 24
  • Similac Special Care 24 High Protein
  • Similac Special Care 30

The best way to determine if a formula you purchased and used is included in Similac lawsuits is to consult an experienced lawyer currently handling baby formula lawsuits. They can review your receipts and other documents to confirm if cases are being accepted for a specific formula.

Who Can File a Similac Lawsuit?

Families or caregivers of premature infants who developed NEC or a Cronobacter sakazakii infection after consuming a Similac product may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Infants who received the baby formula in a hospital or consumed it at home may qualify.

An experienced attorney can determine if you’re eligible to file a suit. Keep all medical records, purchase receipts and any leftover product as evidence.

Mead Johnson’s baby formula brand Enfamil is also subject to NEC-related lawsuits. Parents and caregivers of babies who developed NEC after consuming an Enfamil product may be eligible for Enfamil NEC lawsuits. Similac and Enfamil lawsuits are both included in MDL 3026.

What to Expect When Filing a Similac Lawsuit

The discovery process in a Similac lawsuit may be lengthy. Most experienced legal firms will typically offer free consultations before helping you file a lawsuit.

An experienced lawyer can help you:
  • Assess eligibility and assemble the necessary documentation
  • Determine the type of suit for your case
  • File your suit
  • Negotiate settlements or take your case to trial

The courts will distribute any payments deriving from settlements and verdicts to your legal counsel. Your lawyer will then dispense the funds to you.

Please seek the advice of a qualified professional before making decisions about your health or finances.
Last Modified: March 17, 2025

21 Cited Research Articles

Consumernotice.org adheres to the highest ethical standards for content production and references only credible sources of information, including government reports, interviews with experts, highly regarded nonprofit organizations, peer-reviewed journals, court records and academic organizations. You can learn more about our dedication to relevance, accuracy and transparency by reading our editorial policy.

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