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Latest Updates in Hernia Mesh Lawsuits

As of March 2025, 26,243 total hernia mesh lawsuits were pending in four multidistrict litigations against Atrium (467 cases), Covidien (1,677 cases), C.R. Bard (24,083 cases) and Ethicon (16 cases). People continue to file lawsuits.

In February 2025, though the number of lawsuits continued to rise, many existing suits were recently (or will soon be) dismissed due to previous settlements.

In October 2024, Becton Dickinson announced a confidential settlement. This deal aims to resolve the “vast majority” of hernia mesh lawsuits against the company and its subsidiary, Bard. This will likely apply to many cases in the ongoing Bard MDL.

Atrium is the defendant in MDL 2753 before Chief Judge Landya B. McCafferty of the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire. Covidien is the defendant in MDL 3029 before Chief Judge Patti B. Saris of the District of Massachusetts. Davol, Inc./C.R. Bard, Inc. is the defendant in MDL 2846 before Chief Judge Edmund Albert Sargus, Jr. of the Southern District of Ohio. Ethicon is the defendant in MDL 2782 before Senior District Judge Richard W. Story of the Northern District of Georgia.

Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Updates
  • January 2025
    The judge ordered the establishment of a settlement fund related to the Hernia Mesh Bard multidistrict lawsuit.
  • November 2024
    Judge Landya B. McCafferty approved a fund to compensate people injured by Atrium Medical Corporation's C-Qur Mesh used in hernia surgeries. While a final settlement hasn't been reached, ongoing talks suggest the company is willing to address these claims. Additional plaintiffs received settlements from Ethicon. The number of pending hernia mesh lawsuits against Covidien rose to 1,546, and Covidien was compelled to turn over outstanding documents. Two special masters now oversee the settlement process for Bard's products. A special master is a person a judge picks to help with a court case. This person is usually an expert in something important to the case, like money, medical records or technical rules.
  • October 2024
    Becton Dickinson announced that a confidential settlement agreement had been reached. This has ended most cases against Bard. However, it was discovered that Bard and Covidien were still selling injurious hernia mesh products, so many more lawsuits are expected.
  • September 2024
    With 1,472 pending cases, the hernia mesh case against Covidien became the 17th largest MDL in the country.
  • February 2024
    The judge presiding over the Bard case declared there would be no further trials. Relevant parties were ordered to attempt to reach a settlement agreement. Cases against Covidien began to grow and move forward.
  • January 2024
    At the beginning of the month, the MDL against Bard included over 20,000 filed cases. Litigation began over five years ago.
  • December 2023
    Johnson & Johnson and its subsidiary Ethicon reached settlement agreements with 224 plaintiffs in the MDL. The amounts were not specified.
  • October 2023:
    October 2023: C.R. Bard’s third bellwether test trial was scheduled to begin.
  • April 2023
    Ethicon dismissed several cases from the MDL, which remains open despite a confidential settlement in September 2021.
  • March 2023:
    The judge rescheduled Stinson v. C.R. Bard et al., the third hernia mesh bellwether trial, for October 16, 2023. The trial was initially scheduled for May 2023, but the MDL Judge granted C.R. Bard’s request to postpone the trial.
  • April 2022:
    In the second bellwether trial, a jury awarded Antonio Milanesi a $255,000 verdict against C.R. Bard.
  • December 2021
    A judge granted a Motion to Establish a Qualified Settlement Fund in the Atrium MDL. The settlement terms are confidential, but Atrium reportedly set aside $66 million.
  • September 2021
    Ethicon agreed to a confidential global settlement.

Why Are People Filing Hernia Mesh Lawsuits?

People who have filed hernia mesh lawsuits argue that the mesh failed. They report that it caused significant injuries, requiring at least one revision surgery. A hernia occurs when part of an organ protrudes through a muscular wall. A mesh reinforces the tissue surrounding that organ to stop the organ from protruding. However, some plaintiffs required multiple surgeries, and others claim their complications continued after revision surgery.

The central claims made in hernia mesh lawsuits are:
  • Defective product design
  • Improper product labeling, failing to warn patients and doctors about the risk of mesh failure and complications
  • Defective product manufacturing
  • Malpractice from the plaintiff’s doctor who implanted the faulty mesh

Lawsuits seek compensation for lost wages and medical bills. They also name damages, including pain, suffering and loss of quality of life.

Complications Listed in Lawsuits

People who filed lawsuits suffered severe hernia mesh complications that required additional surgery. Mesh failure happens when the implant leads to problems. These can include hernia recurrence or pain, which may require removing the mesh.

Complications named in lawsuits include:
  • Adhesion: Hernia mesh sticks to tissue or other organs.
  • Bowel Obstruction: Hernia mesh sticks to the intestines or moves, blocking the bowel.
  • Groin or Testicular Pain: Pinched nerves lead to a burning sensation at the surgery site.
  • Hernia Recurrence: Mesh failure to prevent hernias from recurring is a common complication.
  • Infection: Chronic inflammation around the hernia mesh can lead to infection.
  • Migration: Hernia mesh moves from the surgery site to other parts of the body.
  • Pain: Chronic pain may lead to nerve damage or chronic inflammation.
  • Perforation of Organs or Tissues: Other body parts can be punctured when mesh migrates.
  • Seromas: Pockets of fluid build up around the surgery site.
  • Revision Surgery: Patients may need one or more surgeries to remove faulty hernia mesh.

Symptoms that can require hernia mesh removal include urinary problems, fever or swelling at the surgery site. Delayed or long-term complications can also happen. These include adhesions, hernia recurrence or chronic pain that may occur years after the original surgery.

three icons representing filing a lawsuit
Experiencing pain, bowel obstruction or other complications after hernia mesh surgery?
Get your free case review today.

Who Qualifies for a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?

To qualify for a hernia mesh lawsuit, you must have experienced severe complications from mesh named in lawsuits. You must also file your claim within the statute of limitations.

“The people that are eligible for filing a hernia mesh claim would be folks who have had complications after a hernia mesh surgery,” Hernia mesh attorney Daniel Nigh told ConsumerNotice. “So, for example, if you’ve had or if you’re scheduled for a revision surgery or you’ve had a revision of your hernia mesh, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible.”

You may qualify for a lawsuit if:
  • You had hernia repair surgery with mesh on or after January 1, 2006.
  • You experienced severe injuries, including adhesions, hernia recurrence, intestinal blockage, mesh migration, organ perforation or infection more than 30 days from the original surgery date.
  • You required hernia revision surgery or additional surgery because of complications.

An experienced medical injury lawyer can help you determine your lawsuit eligibility. The sooner you contact an attorney, the better your chance of achieving a settlement.

Attorney Trent Miracle explains why it’s important to file your hernia mesh lawsuit as soon as possible.

Manufacturers and Brands Named in Litigation

Patients have filed lawsuits against several major hernia mesh manufacturers in federal and state courts. Though other manufacturers are affected, as of early 2025, the primary manufacturers involved at any level are Atrium, Bard Davol (C.R. Bard and Davol Inc.), Johnson & Johnson subsidiary Ethicon, W.L. Gore & Associates and Covidien/Medtronic.

Manufacturers and Models in Lawsuits
ManufacturerModels Included in Lawsuits (incomplete)
AtriumC-Qur products, including:
  • C-Qur Centrix
  • C-Qur Edge
  • C-Qur Mesh
  • C-Qur Mosaic
  • C-Qur TacShield
  • C-Qur V-Patch
  • Bard DavolAll polypropylene products, including:
  • 3DMax and 3DMax Light
  • Bard Mesh (aka Marlex Mesh or Bard Flat Mesh)
  • Bard Pre-shaped Mesh (aka Bard Keyhole Mesh)
  • Composix, Composix E/X, Composix Kugel
  • Kugel
  • Modified Kugel Patch (aka MK Patch)
  • Parastomal Patch
  • Perfix Light, Perfix Plug
  • Speramesh IP Composite
  • Spermatex
  • Ventralex, Ventralex ST, Ventralex Patch
  • VentralightST, VentralightST with Echo
  • VentrioST
  • Visilex
  • Covidien/MedtronicParatietene, Paraietex, Surgipro and Symbotex models, including:
  • Paratietene
  • Paraietene Composite
  • Paraietene Progrip
  • Paraietex
  • Paraietex Composit Open Skirt
  • Paraietex Lightweight
  • Paraietex Parastomal
  • Parietene Macroporus
  • Parietex Composite
  • Parietex Composite Hiatal
  • Parietex Composite Ventral Patch
  • Parietex Easegrip
  • Parietex Plug and Patch
  • Parietex ProGrip
  • Surgipro
  • Surgipro Plug and Patch
  • Symbotex
  • Ethicon
  • Physiomesh
  • Proceed Mesh
  • Proceed Ventral Patch
  • Prolene 3D
  • Prolene Hernia System
  • W.L. Gore & Associates
  • DualMesh Plus
  • Gore-Tex DualMesh
  • Hernia mesh manufacturers such as Medtronic produce over 70 different mesh brands. Atrium is also a major manufacturer that dominates the U.S. market.

    Hernia mesh is a net-like implant typically made from polypropylene plastic, which is non-absorbable and synthetic. Some synthetic meshes are coated with a physical barrier, such as omega-3 fatty acids or collagen. These barriers are supposed to reduce the body’s inflammatory response. Another type of hernia mesh is biologic mesh, manufactured from disinfected animal tissue and absorbed into the body over time.

    Hernia Mesh Multidistrict Litigation vs. Class Action Lawsuits

    Multidistrict litigation (MDL) is a legal process that centralizes and transfers similar civil lawsuits from different parts of the country to one judge. Each lawsuit remains separate but addresses common questions of fact simultaneously. MDLs reduce the burden on the courts and make litigation less costly and more efficient.

    • Atrium: As of March 2025, 467 pending C-QUR mesh lawsuits were pending.
    • Bard Davol: As of March 2025, there were 24,083 pending lawsuits for polypropylene products and hernia mesh.
    • Ethicon: As of March 2025, there were 16 pending Physiomesh Flexible Composite hernia mesh lawsuits.

    A multidistrict litigation differs from a class action lawsuit. In class action lawsuits, the case combines individual plaintiffs into a single suit. In MDLs, however, the court groups similar cases and decides them in one or a few bellwether trials.

    In a bellwether trial, a few of the many cases in an MDL are chosen for individual trials. This is intended to help involved parties anticipate how related future litigation will turn out.

    Compensation for Hernia Mesh Injuries

    Plaintiffs filing hernia mesh lawsuits claim compensation for economic losses, non-economic losses and, in some cases, punitive damages. Financial losses include past and future medical expenses and wage losses. They also include the cost of any additional surgery the plaintiff may require to fix the original complications.

    Non-economic losses relate to compensation for emotional and mental distress. For example, one plaintiff experienced sexual difficulty because of hernia mesh surgery. This category of damages addresses the loss of quality and enjoyment of life.

    If a relative files a wrongful death lawsuit over hernia mesh issues, they might get economic or non-economic damages. These can cover the victim’s suffering, the challenges faced after their death, or both.

    Verdicts and Settlements

    There have been several verdicts and settlements in hernia mesh cases, some as high as $1.5 million.

    Bard’s parent company, Becton Dickinson, announced in October 2024 that it had agreed to a confidential settlement to resolve the vast majority of hernia mesh lawsuits against the company. A settlement fund was created in January 2025.

    Bard had lost three bellwether trials in a row, with verdicts ranging from $250,000 to $4.8 million. In the recent bellwether trial of November 2023, a jury reached a $500,000 verdict in favor of the plaintiff, Aaron Stinson.

    A jury ordered Bard to pay $1.5 million to one plaintiff in a Kugel patch lawsuit in 2010. The mesh maker also paid $184 million to settle 2,600 lawsuits, closing the Kugel Patch MDL.

    Editor Lindsay Donaldson contributed to this article.

    Please seek the advice of a qualified professional before making decisions about your health or finances.
    Last Modified: March 4, 2025

    24 Cited Research Articles

    Consumernotice.org adheres to the highest ethical standards for content production and references only credible sources of information, including government reports, interviews with experts, highly regarded nonprofit organizations, peer-reviewed journals, court records and academic organizations. You can learn more about our dedication to relevance, accuracy and transparency by reading our editorial policy.

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